
Design for a property company's housing queue and parts of the public website.


Wallenstam builds, develops and manages properties, mainly in Stockholm and Gothenburg. At Stendahls we have helped them improve their website and housing queue over the years, and I've been responsible for the design together with a UX designer.

Object listing pages

Wallenstam has a premium offering of apartments and offices, which wasn't reflected in the old design of the object listing pages. It also no longer supported the data and different types of objects they have in a good way.

The result was a complete redesign of the listing page template, including new filters, cards and overall layout. One of the biggest challenges here was that it's in fact a template and it needs to work for various object types, with very different properties and filtering capabilities sometimes.

Some of the UI components.

Apartment applications

Together with launching some new features, we did a review of the user journey when applying for different types of apartments and found that there was a lot of potential to improve the overall experience. The result was a complete redesign of the "applications" page, and how different statuses and requirements in different stages are presented.

One big challenge was the fact that the process looks a bit different depending on the type of apartment you're applying for, so we needed to find a design pattern that could accomodate all types, and figure out how to present relevant contextual information to minimize customer service calls.

Some of the UI components.

New production projects

The information surrounding Wallenstam's new production projects previously resided on external websites, making the navigation a bit confusing for the user, causing design inconsistencies and a lot of variation between each website.

We solved this by creating a template to be used on their regular website, that can scale according to the state of the project, and we took the opportunity to develop some new modules and features that didn't exist in the old solution.

Some of the UI components.
A selection of the page types included.

Apartment selection

What was previously just a list of dropdowns and apartment numbers in the selection view for new production projects is now a more user friendly and intuitive interface. We had limited possibilities to do a complete redesign of the page at this point, instead the big focus was on the actual apartments and how they are displayed and interacted with.

This was tested in a simple Figma prototype before implementation.